This video tutorial is about the concept of modularization in ABAP programming, specifically focusing on the use of the PERFORM statement. The instructor explains how to use the PERFORM statement to create subroutines, which can make the code more readable and easier to debug. Although SAP recommends using methods instead of subroutines in new programs, understanding the use of PERFORM is still important for dealing with existing programs.

Key topics covered in the video session:

  1. Introduction to Modularization: The instructor begins by explaining the concept of modularization, which involves breaking down a program into smaller, manageable blocks of code. This approach makes it easier to understand and debug the program. The instructor emphasizes the importance of commenting and structuring the code properly for better readability.
  2. Perform Statement: The instructor introduces the PERFORM statement, which is used to call a subroutine (a block of code). This allows the code to be organized into logical sections, making it easier to understand and debug.
  3. Creating Subroutines: The instructor demonstrates how to create subroutines using the PERFORM statement. He explains that each subroutine is defined with the FORM keyword and ends with the ENDFORM keyword. The code within these keywords is the logic of the subroutine.
  4. Passing Parameters to Subroutines: The instructor shows how to pass parameters to a subroutine using the USING keyword in the PERFORM statement. The parameters are then received in the subroutine definition with the same USING keyword.
  5. Debugging with Subroutines: The instructor demonstrates how to debug a program with subroutines. He explains that when debugging, the execution jumps from the PERFORM statement to the corresponding subroutine, executes the code within the subroutine, and then returns to the next statement after the PERFORM statement.
  6. SAP’s Recommendation: The instructor mentions that SAP recommends using methods (part of Object-Oriented Programming) instead of subroutines in new programs. However, understanding the use of the PERFORM statement and subroutines is still important for dealing with existing programs.
  7. Conclusion: The instructor concludes the tutorial by emphasizing the importance of understanding the PERFORM statement and subroutines, despite SAP’s recommendation to use methods in new programs.

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