This video tutorial explains the concept of creating a custom data source based on a table in SAP BW ABAP, and the Delta Pointer concept. The Delta Pointer is a mechanism used in SAP to track changes in data and ensure that only new or changed data is transferred to the Business Warehouse (BW) during data extraction. The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a custom data source, how to extract data from it, and how to handle the Delta Pointer for efficient data extraction.

Key topics covered in the video session:

  1. Creating a Custom Data Source: The tutorial begins with the creation of a custom data source based on a table. The presenter explains how to navigate to the required settings in SAP and how to input the necessary information to create the data source.
  2. Understanding the Delta Pointer: The presenter explains the concept of the Delta Pointer, which is a mechanism that keeps track of the last data extraction point, allowing for efficient data extraction by only fetching new or changed data.
  3. Full Load vs Delta Load: The presenter explains the difference between a full load, which brings all data from the source, and a Delta load, which only brings new or changed data since the last extraction.
  4. Setting Up the Delta Pointer: The presenter demonstrates how to set up the Delta Pointer for a custom data source. He explains that the Delta Pointer can be set on different types of fields, and SAP provides four different types of fields for enabling the Delta Pointer.
  5. Extracting Data Using the Delta Pointer: The presenter shows how to extract data using the Delta Pointer. He explains that the system will fetch data after the date stored in the Delta Pointer.
  6. Understanding the Safety Interval: The presenter explains the concept of the safety interval, which is a buffer period that ensures that all relevant data is extracted. He demonstrates how changing the safety interval affects the data extraction process.
  7. Handling Duplicate Data: The presenter explains that enabling the lower limit in the Delta Pointer can lead to duplicate data being extracted. He suggests handling this by creating a standard DSO with overwrite property in the BW, which will overwrite duplicate data.
  8. Replicating the Metadata: The presenter explains how to replicate metadata in SAP and demonstrates this process.
  9. Understanding the Delta Pointer with Timestamps: The presenter explains that if the Delta Pointer is defined on a timestamp, the system will store the timestamp, which includes both the date and time. This allows for more precise tracking of changes.
  10. Conclusion: The presenter concludes the tutorial by summarizing the key points about creating a custom data source and using the Delta Pointer. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the Delta Pointer concept, especially when dealing with large amounts of transactional data.

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