This video is a tutorial on ABAP Routines at the transformation level in BW on HANA. The speaker discusses the need for routines, the types of routines, and how to write them. The video also covers the sequence of routine execution during data transfer process (DTP) and provides a practical demonstration of writing start routines, field-level routines, and end routines.

Key topics covered in the video session:

  1. Introduction to Routines: The speaker begins by explaining the need for routines in transformations. Routines are needed when there is a requirement to enhance extra columns in the Advanced DataStore Object (ADSO) and fill them with data by applying some logic.
  2. Types of Routines: The speaker discusses the different types of routines that can be written at the transformation level. These include start routines, field-level routines, end routines, and expert routines.
  3. Demonstration of Start Routines: The speaker demonstrates how to write a start routine. This involves creating an internal table, checking if the source package is not null, and then executing a select statement.
  4. Demonstration of Field-Level Routines: The speaker shows how to write a field-level routine. This involves mapping the material to the material description, and then writing a read statement to get the description of the material from the internal work area.
  5. Demonstration of End Routines: The speaker explains that end routines will be covered in a future session, along with how to debug start routines, field-level routines, and end routines.
  6. Executing the Data Transfer Process (DTP): The speaker demonstrates how to execute the DTP, which involves activating the transformation and then executing the DTP. The speaker also shows how to check if the start routine is working correctly by checking the data in the target.
  7. Debugging Routines: The speaker briefly mentions that debugging routines will be covered in a future session.

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