This video discusses the functionality of VDM type and data category in Core Data Services (CDS) views in SAP HANA, with examples. It explains how these functionalities are used to deliver an enriched data model to UI applications.
After watching this video, you will learn:
– The concept of Virtual Data Model (VDM) in CDS views. VDM is an enriched data model that can be accessed directly by any rich client like UI5. It doesn’t require any middleware to convert the format of CDS views based on their requirement. VDM has three types: Basic, Composite, and Consumption.
– Basic VDM views are created on top of database tables or views. They interact directly with the database to fetch data.
– Composite VDM views are created on top of Basic views. They combine data from multiple Basic views but do not interact directly with the database.
– Consumption VDM views are created on top of Composite views. They are the final views that are accessed by UI applications or other tools.
– The concept of Data Category in CDS views. Data Category defines the data based on your business requirement. It has three types: Dimension, Fact, and Cube.
– Dimension represents master data and is created on top of DDIC tables or views.
– Fact represents transaction data and contains measures. It does not join with master data views.
– Cube also represents transaction data but can join with master data views. Consumption views are built on top of Cube.
– The video also explains the syntax to define VDM types and Data Categories in CDS views.
The video is practical and detailed, showing each step at the system level. It is intended for those who wish to learn about CDS Views and how to create and use them in HANA Studio and SAP systems.