The video discusses the concept of Advanced Available to Promise (AATP) with Back Order Processing in SAP S/4HANA. The speaker, Ruthvik Chowdary, explains the transition from the traditional Available to Promise (ATP) to AATP, the migration of Global Available to Promise (GATP) from SAP APO to S/4HANA, and how these functionalities are beneficial for business users in the digital market.


1. Understanding Advanced Available to Promise (AATP): AATP is a functionality that was introduced in SAP S/4HANA starting from the 1610 version. It is an evolution of the traditional Available to Promise (ATP) that was present in the classic SAP ECC versions. AATP provides more advanced and comprehensive features for checking the availability of products for promising to customers.

2. Back Order Processing: Back Order Processing is a part of AATP that deals with the management of orders that cannot be fulfilled immediately due to insufficient stock. It helps in prioritizing the orders when the stock is available.

3. Migration from Global Available to Promise (GATP): GATP, which was a part of SAP APO (Advanced Planning Optimization), is being migrated to SAP S/4HANA as AATP. This is because SAP APO is being phased out by 2025. However, not all functionalities of GATP are being moved to S/4HANA at once; the migration is happening gradually.

4. Role of AATP in Digital Transformation: AATP plays a significant role in digital transformation by providing real-time, accurate information about product availability. This helps businesses to make informed decisions and promise accurate delivery dates to their customers, thereby improving customer satisfaction.

5. Demonstration of AATP: The video also includes a demonstration of how to use the AATP functionality in SAP S/4HANA using the Fiori application. This demonstration shows how various activities related to AATP can be performed in the system.

In conclusion, the video provides a comprehensive understanding of AATP in SAP S/4HANA, its benefits, and its role in digital transformation. It also provides a practical demonstration of using AATP in the system.

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