This video discusses the use of element annotations in ABAP Core Data Services (CDS) views. The key points covered in the video include:

  • Element Level Annotations: The video explains the concept of element level annotations in CDS views. These are annotations that are defined for specific fields or elements in a CDS view. The video demonstrates how to define and use element level annotations.
  • End User Text Label and Quick Info Annotation: The video shows how to change the description and tooltip of a field in a CDS view using the End User Text Label and Quick Info annotations. It explains that these annotations can be used to provide a custom description and tooltip for a field, which can be useful when displaying data in different languages.
  • Finding All Annotations Used in CDS: The video demonstrates how to find all the annotations used in a CDS view using the CL_DD_DDL_ANNOTATION_SERVICE class. It explains that this class can be used to retrieve all the annotations of a CDS view, including header level annotations and element level annotations.
  • Language Translation for CDS: The video discusses how to maintain text in different languages for a CDS view. It explains that the text can be maintained in different languages using the SE63 transaction code in SAP, and that the changes can be captured in a transport request to be moved to another system.
  • Semantics.amount.currencyCode and Semantics.quantity.unitOfMeasure: The video explains how to link an amount field with a currency field and a quantity field with a unit of measure field in a CDS view using the Semantics.amount.currencyCode and Semantics.quantity.unitOfMeasure annotations. It shows how to define these annotations and how they can be used to establish a relationship between the amount and currency fields and the quantity and unit of measure fields.

The video provides practical examples to demonstrate these concepts, showing how to define and use element level annotations, how to change the description and tooltip of a field, how to find all the annotations used in a CDS view, how to maintain text in different languages, and how to link an amount field with a currency field and a quantity field with a unit of measure field.

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