This video discusses the differences between DDIC-based CDS views and CDS view entities in SAP HANA. It provides a detailed explanation of the syntax differences between them and the motivations behind using CDS view entities.

After watching this video, you will learn:

  • The differences between DDIC-based CDS views and CDS view entities. The presenter explains that DDIC-based CDS views create three objects: the DDL source, the SQL view, and the CDS entity. However, CDS view entities only create a single object, which simplifies the process and improves performance.
  • The syntax differences between DDIC-based CDS views and CDS view entities. The presenter demonstrates this by creating a CDS view entity and explaining the different keywords and annotations used.
  • The unnecessary annotations in DDIC-based CDS views that are not required in CDS view entities. These include the SQL view name, the field list, and certain annotations such as “preserve key” and “client handling”.
  • The automatic client handling in CDS view entities. The presenter explains that the client handling is done implicitly in CDS view entities, depending on the data source. If all tables in the CDS view are client-independent, the CDS view entity is also client-independent. If at least one table is client-dependent, the CDS view entity is client-dependent.
  • The removal of the buffering annotation in CDS view entities. The presenter mentions that there is a new approach to buffering, which will be discussed in a future video.

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