This video discusses the concept of path expressions in Core Data Services (CDS) associations in ABAP on HANA. It provides a detailed explanation of how to use path expressions in different scenarios and how they impact the results of a CDS view.

After watching this video, you will learn:

  • The basics of path expressions in CDS associations. A path expression is a sequence of CDS associations separated by periods (.). It allows you to access fields from the target entity of an association.
  • How to use path expressions with multiple tables. The presenter demonstrates how to create an association with multiple tables and how to use a path expression to access fields from these tables.
  • The use of filter conditions in path expressions. You can add filter conditions to a path expression to filter the data from the target entity of an association. The presenter shows how to add a filter condition and how it impacts the result set of the CDS view.
  • How to create multiple joins from the same association. The presenter explains how to use a path expression to create multiple joins from the same association.
  • The impact of cardinality on path expressions. The presenter discusses how the cardinality of an association affects the join type (inner join or left outer join) that is formed when a path expression is used.
  • The use of the “INNER” and “LEFT OUTER” keywords in path expressions. These keywords can be used to explicitly define the join type of an association in a path expression.

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