In this tutorial, the author delves into the details of Material Requirements Planning (MRP) in SAP, focusing on the Planning File Entry MD21 and the intricacies of background jobs, specifically MDBT, SM36, and SM37.

Key notes from the video session:

  • The primary function of MRP is to ensure material availability. It determines the required material quantities and the timing for those requirements, whether the procurement is internal or external.
  • The author emphasizes the generation of planned orders for header materials and the creation of purchase requisitions for lower-level components.
  • The session touches upon various input and output elements for MRP, including demand management and screen rules.
  • The tutorial provides a hands-on demonstration of navigating through SAP, emphasizing the use of specific transaction codes and processes.
  • The author discusses the significance of planning file entries and how changes in material master data or requirements can impact the planning file.
  • The session also delves into background jobs in SAP, explaining how they can automate certain MRP processes without manual intervention.
  • The tutorial provides a walkthrough of creating and managing background jobs, setting attributes, defining conditions, and scheduling jobs.
  • The author also touches upon the concept of “scope of planning” in SAP, explaining how it can be used for total planning or for planning specific areas.
  • The session concludes with a brief overview of running MRP for multiple plants and the advantages of doing so.

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